COLLECTING HAWAIIAN POSTCARDS. I am passionate about collecting postcards of
tropical flowers like bird of paradise, hibiscus, and orchid. This is one of my orchid collections."RED AND WHITE ORCHID" OIL PAINTING - (16" x 20")
This lovely painting was inspired by the above postcard. I painted this beautiful orchid to remind me of Hawaii. It cheers me up when I am having a bad day. Every time I look at this painting, I am immediately drawn back to Hawaii, that signified happy times - celebrations, anniversaries, family, friends, and fidelity. However, I don't have this painting anymore. I donated it to our local hospital -Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital for their fund raising event. I have a weakness for charitable group. So far I painted only two orchids. I posted my other orchid painting "YELLOW ORCHID" on my blog last Mother's Day. You can go back to my archives on May 13th, 2007.
ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE! ALOHA! Last year (June 10 -17, 2006), our whole family
took a week cruise on board this new ship "Pride Of America". We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary, island hopping in Hawaii. Photo taken at the Port of Hilo. HAWAII TROPICAL BOTANICAL GARDEN This was the highlight of our trip to Hilo. It was like seeing and walking on the "Garden of Eden". My husband and I enjoyed a tour of this botanical garden dedicated to preserving a spectacular Hawaiian rain forest. This beautiful garden is a sanctuary and nature preserve for rare and endangered tropical plants from around the world, endemic Hawaiian plants and endangered tropical wildlife.
I LOVE ORCHIDS! Posing among the beautiful orchids, glowing in a rainbow of colors.
Many orchids are displayed in a tranquil setting of cascading waterfalls, streams and ocean vistas. Very inspiring and worth visiting. We took hundreds of digital photos of many orchids and tropical flowers, that captured our hearts. Here are some keepers:SEE THE GARDEN'S BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF ORCHIDS In a natural setting. A nature
lover and photographer's paradise, the Garden has over 2,000 species of flowers, palms and plants growing in an unspoiled environment.
Wanted to take this yellow orchid home as souvenir, but...... no stealing please.
PURPLE ORCHIDS This "Quintet" invited us to stay in "PARADISE FOREVER". The orchids are one of the loveliest ambassadors of Hawaii. "Thank You, for the invitation". Why not? Maybe I can live in Paradise and sell orchid paintings to wealthy tourists. Just dreaming.....?
SOMEDAY, I'll paint this orchid. I have a big collection of orchid postcards and photos to be painted. I'd like to paint this small orchid the way my favorite artist Georgia O'Keeffee, painted thousands of flowers...BIG! Georgia O'Keeffe, is one of the most esteemed American artists of the 20th century. She painted flowers with an impact no one one else had achieved. She drew in as close to them as a bee and painted them to make people pay attention. Georgia said...."But one rarely takes the time to really see a small flower. I have painted it BIG enough so that others will see what I see."