"Happiness is life served up with a scoop of acceptance, a topping of tolerance and sprinkles of hope, although chocolate sprinkles also work."- Robert Brault
I had been away from my paintbrushes and oils for a while. It's good to take a break from painting. Change of scene re-energized me. So many things demanded my attention this summer. I am back babysitting my grandchildren. Then I was also busy shopping for our recent trip. Then planning my stuffs for a lightweight trip. Not easy to do but it took planning and lots of color coordination w/ my clothes, purses, shoes, hats, etc. I like to travel in style.
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. When I got home from our trip/cruise with Queen Mary 2 last week, the first thing I did was weigh myself. After all the fine dinning and good food on board the cruise ship, who wouldn't gain pounds. I sure did!!!
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. When I got home from our trip/cruise with Queen Mary 2 last week, the first thing I did was weigh myself. After all the fine dinning and good food on board the cruise ship, who wouldn't gain pounds. I sure did!!!
Before my husband & I go on a cruise, we make it a point to diet a month before. Unfortunately the weeks prior to our trip, there were many unavoidable special events and celebrations like Memorial week-end, wedding anniversary, Philippine Independence Day celebration, graduation dinner, funeral receptions, Father's Day, etc. Thank God, I returned home with only two pounds added.
Food for thought: "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" - Author Unknown