"Be not dismayed what-e'er betide, God will take of you
Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you."
"Thru days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you.
When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you.
This song speaks to us of God's providential care. We shouldn't worry because He will provide all our needs. Nothing we ask will be denied. No matter what may be the test, we should rely on God because He cares for us. Because God cares, we should care for others too. Caring is a heartfelt emotion that delivers loving-kindness to everyone it touches. You may be surprised how much each act of kindness rewards you with positive feeling. If we all do our part, pretty soon we will live in a nicer world.
COVER GIRL One day, I received on the mail a beautiful Christian magazine called Mission Mosaic. What a surprised to see a familiar face on the cover! My sister Julie was featured on the cover as the present president of BNF, a Christian organization of professional nurses that promotes continuing professional education and growth for members of nurse missionaries. supported through the WMU (Women Missionary Union), BNF offers an opportunity for nurses across the United States to participate in the work of nursing while serving as part of various mission projects.
The home health agency helps people get back on their feet through combination of experience, professionalism and dedication.
I have five sisters, one sister-in-law and one brother. Julie is the sixth sibling. On the above photo, she's standing second from the left. I am the one with the red dress. Our family is blessed with many different gifts, talents and abilities. Most of my sister have musical talents. They could play the piano, organ and sing well, but not me. I have no musical talent.
A CARING SISTER The paintings are now on display in her home in San Diego. Always appreciative and grateful for my paintings, she never failed to thank me. A thank you card is more than enough but I was delighted to get more in return. One Christmas ago, she gave me a beautiful triple string-pearl, a reproduction of Jackie Kennedy's famous pearl. She also gave me gluco-devices, books and free medical advices. She also took me out to nice restaurants for dinners. What a caring sister! Imagine a world without sisters. It will be dull without them. So, let's shout and make the world know "We Care" for our sisters. If you have no sister, adopt one. Your life will be blessed.